Honeycomb Swim Cover

This swim cover is great for summer days at the beach or pool!  I found this great color yarn too, Lily’s Sugar n’ Cream in Mod Blue.  I love this blue, it reminds me of the water.  This yarn is cotton so it can handle getting wet.  I think this honeycomb stitch is ideal for hot days near the water.  This pattern is easy to adjust to your size.  The first step is to measure the part of your body that is the widest and then to divide that number in half. Then use that width for your cover.  The pattern is worked as one piece and then seemed together at the end.

Mod Blue Label


  • size 4 worsted weight yarn, the amount will vary depending on the size you make.
  • 5.00 mm size hook
  • scissors
  • yarn needle
  • measuring tape
  • stitch markers


mod cover 23




DC-Double Crochet

SC-Single Crochet


Row 1: CH a multiple of 4 + 3 that fits the desired width

Row 2: 5 CH, 1 DC in 8th CH from hook, *4 CH, skip 3 CH, 1 DC in next CH, repeat from * to end, turn.

Row 3: 5 CH, 1 DC in first CH space, *4 CH, 1 DC in next CH space, repeat from * to end, turn.

Repeat Row 3 until desired length of torso

Measure how wide for your desired neck opening and mark with stitch markers.  Start row as usual with 5 CH,  1 DC in first CH space, *4 CH, 1 DC in next CH space, repeat from * to first stitch marker.  CH as many stitches as is between stitch markers, 1 DC in first space after second stitch marker, *4 CH, 1 DC in next CH space, repeat from * to end, turn.

Next row: 5 CH, 1 DC in first CH space, *4 CH, 1 DC in next CH space, repeat from * to the beginning of the neck hole CH space, where the first stitch marker you come to is.  *4 CH, skip 3 CH, 1 DC in next CH, repeat from * to next stitch marker or end of neck hole.  *4 CH, 1 DC in next CH space, repeat from * to the end.  Turn.

Repeat Row 3 until it matches the length of the torso from the first half.

Fold in half with the neck hole in the middle.  Use stitch markers to mark how large you want the arm holes.  Seem from the bottom up the side until you reach the arm hole on each side.  I used a SC seem but you can seem any way you like.

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As a finishing detail I did  SC border around the neck hole, arm holes, and the bottom opening.

Now enjoy your new swim cover!

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